ARM (Affordable Rental Management) connects Tenants to Homeowners and private property owners in an equitable partnership to bring private ownership homes into the affordable rental market.
How does ARM work?
Private owners partner with Tenants to Homeowners in a rental management agreement. Per the agreement, TTH provides qualifying properties with necessary repairs. Scope of repairs made serves to inform the reduction in rent and program term. Once the term of agreement has been completed, the owner is forgiven the initial cost of repairs and is able to continue with the program or reenter the unrestricted rental market. A typical ARM property provides 5 years of service as an affordable rental.
Who is the ARM program for?
Property owners who wish to support affordable housing in Douglas County.
Property owners who have underutilized or vacant properties in need of repair.
How do I find out more about ARM?
If you have a property and are interested in partnering in the ARM program, or would simply like more information, please reach out to Nicholas Ward, Tenants to Homeowners’ Outreach and Development Coordinator