Affordable Rentals
Tenants to Homeowners (TTH) maintains more than 100 affordable rental homes in Lawrence for those with low to moderate incomes.
We have several rental programs designed for varying needs:
- 20 accessible units which house people with physical disabilities;
- 14 senior units for people 62 and over;
- 24 senior units for people 55 and over;
- 54 units to house individuals and families who cannot otherwise afford stable housing in Douglas County.

It is the policy of Tenants to Homeowners to provide services without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, familial status, physical handicap or disability.
Due to the number of applications we receive, we cannot show units to prospective residents until we have approved their application.
There is no standard wait period. Wait time depends on availability of units. Many of our vacancies are filled through applications already on file. Pre-approved applicants in applicant pools will be considered first for any upcoming vacancies.
Please read the program information below to identify which program may better meet your needs. For more information or to request assistance in completing a FREE application, please contact us at 785.842.5494.
1). standard Rental Program
To qualify for our Standard Rental Program (Program #1), the applicant’s gross annual income may not exceed 80% of Average Median Income (see chart). In some cases, income limitations are lower due to funding guidelines.
2.) Accessible Housing
To qualify for Program #2, applicants must have a physical disability or mobility condition of long duration in accordance with HUD Section 202/8 guidelines. Additionally, an applicant’s gross annual income may not exceed 50% of the area Average Median Income (see chart).
3.) Lawrence Senior Housing
To qualify for Program #3, applicants must be age 62+. Additionally, an applicant’s household income may not exceed 80% of Average Median Income (see chart).. In some cases, the income limitations are lower due to funding guidelines.
4.) Baldwin City Senior Housing
To qualify for Program #4, applicants must be age 55+. Additionally, an applicant’s household income may not exceed 80% of Average Median Income (see chart). In some cases, the income limitations are lower due to funding guidelines.
Click Here to Download the Pre Application
Tenants to Homeowners Affordable Rentals
Tenants to Homeowners stewards over 100 affordable rental units in Douglas County. We provide a variety of affordable housing types with specific units serving seniors, Domestic Violence survivors, young adults, and those needing accessible housing. See adjacent gallery of photos.
Current Available Rentals
2226 Yale #4
Available Now: 1-bedroom, 1-bath accessible, W/D included. Monthly rent based on income. Deposit equals total tenant payment. Tenant responsible for electricity, landlord pays water/trash/sewer. Off street parking.